Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

The SMIS project has a long lasting cooperation with Gemalto, the world’s leading providers of microprocessor cards. Gemalto provides SMIS with advanced hardware and software smart card platforms which are used to validate numbers of our research results. In return, SMIS provides Gemalto with requirements and technical feedbacks that help them adapting their future platforms towards data intensive applications. While no bilateral contract exists between Gemalto and SMIS, we are partners in several projects. Meanwhile, we are developing partnerships with SMEs capable of building ad-hoc hardware prototypes conforming to our own design.

Cozy Cloud bilateral contract (Dec 2014 - Nov. 2015)

Partners: Cozy Cloud, Inria-SMIS

SMIS funding: 50k€.

Many personal data end up today on servers where they can be scrutinized by companies and governmental agencies. To face this situation, the most emblematic initiative is the Personal Cloud paradigm. Roughly speaking, the Personal Cloud is an architecture which gives users the ability to store their complete digital environment, synchronize it among various devices and share it with other users and applications under their control. It reflects the expectation of the individuals for the emergence of privacy-by-design next-generation storage and computing services. Cozy Cloud is a French startup providing such a personal Cloud platform. The Cozy product is a software stack that anyone can deploy to run his personal server in order to host his personal data and web services. Cozy defines itself as the “Android of personal servers”. While centralizing all personal data in the holder's hand is a natural way to reestablish his control on his privacy, this represents an unprecedented threat in case of attacks by an intruder, especially for individuals who are not security experts. The objective of this bilateral contract is typically to address this issue by integrating the PlugDB solution into the Cozy stack. Roughly speaking, the Cozy data system will be modified in such a way to store only encrypted files and each file access will be intercepted and routed to PlugDB. PlugDB will act as a doorkeeper for the whole individual dataspace by managing the files' metadata, the access control rules defined on these metadata, the decryption keys and the user/application authentication.

Cozy Cloud CIFRE contract (Oct 2014 - Sept 2017)

Partners: Cozy Cloud, Inria-SMIS

SMIS funding: 30k€.

In relation with the bilateral contract mentioned above, a CIFRE PhD thesis has been started by Paul Tran Van. The objective is to capitalize on the Cozy-PlugDB platform to devise new access and usage control models to exchange data among devices of the same user (devices may have different levels of trustworthiness) and among different users. A particular focus will be put on the enforcement of the access and usage control rules in this thesis.